吴千红教授的学术报告以《From Red Cell to SuperLubrication》(血红细胞的超润滑启示)为题,通过介绍几何尺寸较大的血红细胞在管径相对较小的血管内穿梭的超润滑现象,从力学角度分析了红细胞在糖萼表面高速滑行得益于在糖萼内部所产生的急剧增高的浮升力,由此建立和发展了关于软性多孔介质流体力学的新的理论体系和实验手段,并提出了理论的应用领域:滑雪力学和“零摩擦”的空气悬浮火车。此外,吴千红教授还向同学们介绍了美国维兰诺瓦大学的相关情况。会后,吴千红教授与在坐同学开展了问答互动环节。
Dr. Qianhong Wuis a tenuredAssociate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Villanova University. He is the founding director of Villanova Cellular Biomechanics and Sports Science Laboratory (CBMSS), and the director of the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Programs. Dr. Wu received his Ph.D. in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering in 2005, from The City College of The City University of New York & New York Center for Biomedical Engineering (NYCBE), working with CUNY distinguished Professor, Dr. Sheldon Weinbaum.Before joining NYCBE in 1999, Dr. Wu hada B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Electrical Engineering, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. In August 2005, Dr. Wu started his faculty career as an Assistant Professor at Villanova University. He was promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure in May 2011.
Dr. Wuapplies fundamental principles of fluid dynamics to the bio and bio-inspired applications.His research interests include porous medial flow,fluid dynamic and transport aspects of biological systems, cardiovascular engineering, brain biomechanics, cellular mechanisms for mechanotransduction, bone fluid flow, hemodynamics, sports biomechanics, and soft/super lubrication. He has published extensively on these topics. Especially, Dr. Wu’s group is widely recognized for developing a novelexperimental and theoretical approach to study the lift generation inside soft porous media. This approach was successfully applied to such diverse problems as the frictionless motion of a red cell in a tightly fitting capillary, the lift forces generated during skiing or snowboarding, the design of a futuristic train track, in addition to classical lubrication theory applications. This research was reported extensively inScience®,Nature®,Journal of Fluid Mechanics(JFM)®,Physical Review Letters(PRL)®,Scientific American®,PhysicsWeb®,Discover Channel®and hundreds of public media world widely. These research projects are supported by the National Science Foundation of US (NSF), the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR).
About Villanova University:Villanova is a private research university and offers BS, MS and PhD degrees. The Mechanical Engineering Department has 22 full-time faculty members, approximately 350 undergraduate students, and 150 graduate students, The MEfaculty are internationally recognized for their research achievements. Villanova university is located 12 miles from Philadelphia along the historic Main Line. From its founding in 1842 to its position today as a nationally recognized leading university,Villanova is ranked byU.S. News & World Report as the 50th best National University in the U.S. for 2017.
