2015年7月至今于兰州理工大学石油化工学院化工系任教。先后入选兰州理工大学红柳优秀青年人才资助计划(2019年)、西部之光“西部青年学者”(2022年)、陇原青年英才(2024年)。主讲本科生“化学反应工程”和“化工原理”、研究生“工程伦理”等课程。研究方向为微纳孔材料的设计、构筑及其在化工分离、储能领域的应用基础研究,主持国家自然科学基金(青年)、甘肃省杰出青年基金、甘肃省青年科技基金、高校教师创新基金、技术创新引导计划(科技专员专项)等项目8项。在Energy Environ. Sci.、Chem. Eng. J.、Sep. Purif. Technol.等期刊发表学术论文120余篇,授权发明专利5件,获得甘肃省自然科学奖二等奖1项。
(1) Hanxue Sun, Cailin Guo, et al., Monolithic conjugated microporous polymers with antibacterial activity for air filtration, Separation and Purification Technology 2025, 354: 128965(中科院1区)
(2) Hanxue Sun, Juanjuan Wang, et al., Rational design of Fe, N co-doped porous carbon derived from conjugated microporous polymer as an electrocatalytic platform for oxygen reduction reaction, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2024, 673: 354(中科院1区)
(3) Hanxue Sun, Juanjuan Wang, et al., Carbon-based electrocatalyst derived from porous organic polymer in oxygen reduction reaction for fuel cells, Progress in Chemistry 2023, 35: 1638
(4) Hanxue Sun, Wenjun Chan, et al., Robust synthesis of free-standing films comprising conjugated microporous polymers nanotubes for water disinfection, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2024, 655: 771(中科院1区)
(5) Hanxue Sun, Wenjun Chan, et al., Tissue paper-liked conjugated microporous polymers film for bacteria inhibition, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2022, 10: 108933 (中科院2区)
(6) Hanxue Sun, Peilei Zhou, et al., Nitrogen-doping hollow carbon nanospheres derived from conjugated microporous polymers toward oxygen reduction reaction, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 617: 11(中科院1区)
(7) Hanxue Sun, Peilei Zhou, et al., Flexible and double-layered photothermal material based on resorcinol-formaldehyde foam for solar assisted water desalination, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 2021, 232: 111350(中科院2区)
(8) Hanxue Sun, Yuanzhen Li, et al., Facile preparation of a carbon-based hybrid film for efficient solar-driven interfacial water evaporation, ACS Applied Material Interfaces 2021, 13, 28: 33427(中科院2区)
(9) Hanxue Sun, Yuanzhen Li et al., Photothermal conversion material derived from used cigarette filters for solar steam generation, ChemSusChem 2019, 12: 4257(中科院2区)
(10) Hanxue Sun, Boli Yang, et al., Biomass derived porous carbon for efficient capture of carbon dioxide, organic contaminants and volatile iodine with exceptionally high uptake, Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 372: 65(中科院1区)