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1. Jiyan Li*,Yong Long,Xiaoyin Cao,et al.,Recent advances and perspectives in solar photothermal conversion and storage systems:A review. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 325, 103118.

2.Jiyan Li*,Yong Long,Yanju Jing,et al.,Superhydrophobic multi-shell hollow microsphere confined phase change materials for solar photothermal conversion and energy storage. Applied Energy, 2024, 365, 123193.

3. Jiyan Li*, Guoyu Xing, Min Qiao, et al. Composite porous 3D foam for solar-driven atmospheric water harvesting in low humidity natural environment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 490, 151543.

4. Jiyan Li*,Yanju Jing,Min Qiao,et al.,Vertical porous aerogel based on polypyrrole and bimetallic modified ß-cyclodextrin polymer-chitosan for efficient solar evaporation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2024,258,128987.

5.Jiyan Li*,Yanju Jing,Min Qiao,et al.,3D porous β-cyclodextrin grafted graphene oxide/sod ium alginate superhydrophilic natural polysaccharide-based aerogel for solar steam generation. Inlternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023,253(6),127338.

6. Jiyan Li*,Yanju Jing,Guoyu Xing,et al.,Solar-Driven Interfacial Evaporation for Water Treatment:Advanced Research Progress and Challenges[J].Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2022,10(36),18470-18489.

7. Jiyan Li*,Meichen Liu,Wenwen Luo,et al.,3D Tea-Residue Microcrystalline Cellulose Aerogel with Aligned Channels for Solar-Driven Interfacial Evaporation Co-generation. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces,2023,15,51979-51988.

8. Jiyan Li*,Xu Zhou,Yanju Jing,et al.,Ionic Liquid Assisted Alignment of Corn Straw Microcrystalline Cellulose Aerogels with Low Tortuosity Channels for Salt-assistance Solar Steam Evaporaltors. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces,2021,13(10),12181-12190.

9. Jiyan Li*,Xu Zhou,Peng Mu,et al.,Ultralight Biomass Porous Foam with Aligned Hierarchical Channels as Salt-Resistant Solar Steam Generators. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces,2020,12(1),798-806.

10.Jiyan Li*,Xu Zhou,Guibiao Chen,et al.,Evaporation Efficiency Monitoring Device Based on Biomass Photothermal Material for Salt-resistant Solar-driven Interfacial Evaporation. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells,2021,222,110941.




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