张德懿,男,1978年生人,工学博士,教授,博士研究生导师,美国Georgia Institute of Technology访问学者。长期从事高性能电化学能量存储材料与器件研究。近年来主持和参研国家自然科学基金3项,省基金3项,甘肃省创新群体项目1项。在《J. Mater. Chem. A》、《ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces》、《J. Power Source》等国际高水平刊物发表论文近50余篇,同期获得国家发明专利授权7项。研究成果获甘肃省自然科学奖1项、技术进步奖1项,高校科技成果奖3项。近年来主编、副主编教材2部,参编教材3部,获甘肃省教学成果二等奖1项,中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物一等奖2项。
(1)Deyi Zhang*, Binbin Yang, Wenna She, Shiyao Gao, Jingruo Wang, Yi Wang, Simultaneously achieving high energy and power density for ultrafast-charging supercapacitor built by a semi-graphitic hierarchical porous carbon nanosheet and a high-voltage alkaline aqueous electrolyte,J. Power Sources,506, 230103. (SCI,一区)
(2)Binbin Yang, Deyi Zhang, Wenna She, Jingruo Wang, Shiyao Gao, Yi Wang, Kunjie Wang, Remarkably improving the specific energy of supercapacitor based on a biomass-derived interconnected hierarchical porous carbon by using a newly-developed mixed alkaline aqueous electrolyte with widened operation voltage,J. Power Sources,492, 229666. (SCI,一区)
(3) Yubing Li,Deyi Zhang*, Yameng Zhang, Jingjing He, Yulin Wang, Kunjie Wang, Yangtao Xu, Hongxia Li, Yi Wang, Biomass-derived microporous carbon with large micropore size for high-performance supercapacitors,J. Power Sources,2020, 448: 227396. (SCI,一区,高被引)
(4) Jingjing He,Deyi Zhang*, Yulin Wang, Jiwei Zhang, Binbin Yang, Hao Shi, Kunjie Wang, Yi Wang,Biomass-derived porous carbons with tailored graphitization degree and pore size distribution for supercapacitors with ultra-high rate capability,Appl. Sur. Sci.,2020, 515: 146020. (SCI,二区)
(5) Yulin Wang, Binbin Yang,Deyi Zhang*, Hao Shi, Miao Lei, Hongxia Li, Kunjie Wang, Strong polar nonaqueous solvent-assisted microwave fabrication of N and P co-doped microporous carbon for high-performance supercapacitor,Appl. Sur. Sci., 2020, 512: 145711. (SCI,二区)
(6) Yubing Li, Deyi Zhang*, Jingjing He, Yulin Wang, Xiai Zhang, Yameng Zhang, Xuexin Liu, Kunjie Wang, Yi Wang. Hierarchical porous carbon nanosheet derived from waste engine oil for high-performance supercapacitor application,Sustain. Energ. Fuels, 2019, 3: 499~507.(SCI,二区)
(7) Yubing Li, Deyi Zhang*, Mei Han, Jingjing He, Yulin Wang, Kunjie Wang, Yi Wang. Fabrication of the phosphorus doped mesoporous carbon with superior capacitive performance by microwave irradiation under ambient atmosphere: An ultra-facile and energy-efficient method,Appl. Surf. Sci.,2018, 458:119~128.(SCI,二区)
(8) Deyi Zhang*, Mei Han, Bing Wang, Yubing Li, Longyan Lei, Kunjie Wang, Yi Wang, Liang Zhang, Huixia Feng. Superior supercapacitors based on nitrogen and sulfur co-doped hierarchical porous carbon: Excellent rate capability and cycle stability,J. Power Sources,2017, 358: 112~120.(SCI,一区)
(9) Deyi Zhang*, Mei Han, Yubing Li, Jingjing He, Bing Wang, Kunjie Wang, Huixia Feng. Ultra-facile fabrication of phosphorus doped egg-like hierarchic porous carbon with superior supercapacitance performance by microwave irradiation combining with self-activation strategy,J. Power Sources,2017, 372:260~269.(SCI,一区)
(10) Deyi Zhang*, Mei Han, YuBing Li, Longyan Lei, Yonghua Shang, Kunjie Wang, Yi Wang, Zhongkui Zhang, Xudong Zhang, Huixia Feng. Phosphorus and sulfur dual doped hierarchic porous carbons with superior supercapacitance performance,Electrochim. Acta,2016, 222: 141~148.(SCI,二区)
(11) Deyi Zhang*, Longyan Lei, Yonghua Shang, Kunjie Wang, Yi Wang. The composite capacitive behaviors of the N and S dual doped ordered mesoporous carbon with ultrahigh doping level,Appl. Sur. Sci.,2016, 360:807~815.(SCI,二区)
(12)Deyi Zhang, Liweng Zheng, Ying Ma, et al. Synthesis of nitrogen- and sulfur-codoped 3D cubic-ordered mesoporous carbon with superior performance in supercapacitors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6:2657-2665.(SCI,一区)
(13)Deyi Zhang, Yuan Hao, Liwen Zheng, et al. Nitrogen and sulfur co-doped ordered mesoporous carbon with enhanced electrochemical capacitance performance, J. Materi. Chem. A, 2013, 1:7584-7591.(SCI,一区)
(14)Deyi Zhang, Heming Luo, et al. Utilization of waste phosphogypsum to prepare hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and its application towards removal of fluoride from aqueous solution,J. Hazard. Mater., 2012, 241: 418–426.(SCI,一区)
(15)Deyi Zhang, Yuan Hao, Ying Ma, et al. Hydrothermal synthesis of highly nitrogen-doped carbon powder, Appl. Sur. Sci., 2012, 258: 2510–2514. (SCI,二区)
(1) 中国专利, 张德懿;韩梅;李玉冰;王坤杰;王毅;冯辉霞,磷掺杂介孔碳材料及其微波制备方法,专利号:CN201710171948,2019年授权。
(2)张德懿,雷龙艳,郑力文,冯辉霞,王毅,雒和明,高掺杂量氮硫共掺杂有序介孔碳的制备方法,专利号:ZL201410366946.X, 2015年授权。
(4)张德懿,郑力文,郝远,马颖,冯辉霞,氮和硫共掺杂有序介孔碳材料的制备方法,专利号:ZL201310066557.0, 2013年授权。
(5)张德懿,马颖,冯辉霞,郝远,一种氮掺杂碳材料的制备方法,专利号:ZL 201110290185.0, 2013年授权。
1.张德懿;王毅;马颖;冯辉霞;雒和明,先进电化学储能材料制备与热电转化研究,甘肃省自然科学奖三等奖,甘肃省人民政府, 2018年1月25日
2.张徳懿;雒和明;陈娜丽;王冰;王坤杰;冯辉霞,高性能电化学储能材料的开发与应用研究,甘肃省高校科研成果二等奖,甘肃省教育厅, 2017.10